122799 1 x 1 g XenoLight D-Luciferin - K+ Salt Bioluminescent Substrate
New TopSeal-A PLUS allows you to view wells throughout the incubation process - no visibility effects with humidity
Copper Ignitor Tape, 50 Pcs. (N0781097)
This end cap assembly, which connects concentric, GemCone™ and similar nebulizers to Ryton® Scott spray chambers, is use
Concentric Nebulizer-Scott Spray Chamber End Cap Assembly for Avio 200/500 & Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00
This end cap assembly, which connects concentric, GemCone™ and similar nebulizers to Ryton® Scott spray chambers, is use
420416600111 Switching Mode Power Supply Unit Thermo Scientific™ 适用于 iCE™ 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪的空心阴极灯
为了在使用 Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪时获得最大的灵活性,我们提供种类齐全的预编码空心阴极灯和非编码空心阴极灯,以此帮助您对选定的元素进行分析。
重油取样器符合GB/T4756《石油液体手工取样法》、GB/T6680《液体化工产品采样通则》国家标准。适合于各种粘稠样 品(如原油、渣油)的采取,可采集上、中、下层任何液面的样品,具有使用方便,易于清洗等优点